Dairy Farmer Terry Ingram employs farming practices that prevent run off from fertilizer and animal waste from reaching the Chesapeake Bay.

Terry in the Dairy Parlor

Sue Ellen Johnson, director of Agriculture and Rural Economy programs for The Piedmont Environmental Council (PEC)

Dogwood Harbor, a working marina in Tilghman Island Maryland

A Work boat in Tilghman Creek, Claiborn Maryland

Beth McGee, a senior water quality scientist for the Chesapeake Bay Foundation

Pleasure boater leaving Shady Side Harbour in Maryland

Dairy Farmer Terry Ingram employs farming practices that prevent run off from fertilizer and animal waste from reaching the Chesapeake Bay.
Terry in the Dairy Parlor
Sue Ellen Johnson, director of Agriculture and Rural Economy programs for The Piedmont Environmental Council (PEC)
Dogwood Harbor, a working marina in Tilghman Island Maryland
A Work boat in Tilghman Creek, Claiborn Maryland
Beth McGee, a senior water quality scientist for the Chesapeake Bay Foundation
Pleasure boater leaving Shady Side Harbour in Maryland