This zine explores the town of Breezewood Pennsylvania, a town where seemingly no one lives. People come from elsewhere to open shop for those who are “just passing through.” Gas stations and restaurants are surrounded by overly ambitious sprawling parking lots. Rusting restaurant equipment sits outside of shuttered independent cafes alongside bustling corporate giants. Breezewood represents in a microcosm the struggles of the American economy framed by the thrills and pitfalls of the Great American Road Trip.
8.5 x 11” self-published zine of 34 color photographs in 40 pages printed in 2014 with words by Billups Allen.
Copies included in the Indie Photobook Library at the Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library at Yale University and the Self Publish, Be Happy collection at the Maison Européenne de la Photographie in Paris.
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